Why Go Global?

An interesting study by Wells Fargo found that 87% of U.S. companies surveyed felt that international expansion is needed for long-term growth.

There are many advantages to expanding internationally. This is especially true if company revenues are stagnant or perhaps declining. Access to a new customer base may prove critical for company sustainability. International expansion may also provide an opportunity for foreign investment as well as garner interest from U.S. investors. It also provides a significant opportunity to differentiate a company from its competitors resulting in stronger brand awareness and potentially improved company performance. Finally, international expansion is a great opportunity for company leaders to develop professionally by learning about new cultures, languages, and business practices.

Dave has witnessed the successes and challenges of conducting business abroad. His mission is to help his clients succeed in new global markets. Please email him at [email protected] to have a no-cost initial conversation. He can also be reached at (575) 800-7133.

A night sky with stars and the milky way.